3 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Personal Stylist

3 Reasons To Hire A Personal Stylist

Why you should hire a personal stylist

1. A personal stylist will encourage you to go through every item you have, let go of the things you are not wearing, and build a curated wardrobe full of hand-picked pieces to make you look and feel good.


2. It will save you money and effort browsing through thousands of brands. They will know where to get the perfect piece for your body shape, coloring, and the look you wish to create.

3. They will identify the problem of why your current pieces are not working for you. You will receive guidance on the right brands, fabrics, and patterns that fit and flatter your body.


As we are entering the third month of the year, I still see and hear a lot of people frustrated for not getting out of their fashion rut this 2023. Wearing the same clothes, following the masses for what’s trendy without considering the most important thing that clothes should make you feel—comfortably and confidently YOU.

One great solution that gets brushed off is getting yourself a personal stylist. Why you may ask: one, it’s still widely considered a luxury and, two, having to talk to one is rather intimidating. However, as we breakdown the benefits of working with a stylist, you’ll gradually realize that the time and money it will save you is invaluable. We’ll explore the pros and cons of a personal stylist.

Using More than Half of your Wardrobe vs. Using the Same Clothes on a Regular

Many clients are overwhelmed seeing a closet that’s so full yet so lacking; looking for an outfit to wear but couldn’t find anything. Study shows that the average person only wears 20% of her closet on a regular basis, and most likely this one-fifth of your wardrobe are the new clothes that you just purchased.

A personal stylist will encourage you to face your fears, go through each and every piece that you have, let go of the things that you are not wearing and come up with a curated wardrobe full of pieces that are hand-picked to make you look and feel good.

Knowing where to get investment pieces vs.
Window shopping until your legs hurt

Personal Stylists, especially those who have been in the industry for many years, have built relationships with different stores, designers and tailor. They will know where to get the perfect piece for your body shape, coloring, and the look you wish to create; they also know which stores to avoid making it a personalized, stress-free shopping for you.

Identifying the problem vs. Stuffing it up to the brim

The ultimate goal is having key pieces–clothes that perfectly fit your proportions and ones that you can use on different occasions–in your wardrobe and not trendy items that don't have value by the end of the month. With a Personal Stylist’s expertise and eye for detail, you can get guidance in finding clothes, fabrics, and patterns that both fit and flatter your body.

In the long run, getting a personal stylist is more cost-efficient than doing it yourself, because you are guided by experts who have been in the industry for years, providing straightforward yet effective process on how to style yourself, preventing the trouble of exploring for long hours on fashion, trial-and-error, saving you lots of money buying clothes don’t fit well which you purchased just because it was on sale or because it’s first thing you saw. It adds value to let a professional assess your needs, lifestyle and body type, so you would have countless (but useful) wardrobe to wear the next time you’re going out.


With Social Garb, we further cut down the hassle of meeting a stylist personally as the whole comprehensive process of fashion styling is done remotely. Our all-in-one online styling solution has proved to be effective through the hundreds of clients we have handled around the globe and more than 10 years of industry experience under our belt. Let’s get started on achieving the new you this 2023, reach out to us to get your free initial styling consultation.

Take a look at our Personal Styling Service